Success Stories

Relocating Brand Manager

Candidate was a Brand Manager for a small CPG firm in New England. Candidate’s primary goal was to relocate to a major city. Candidate had only one year of experience in Brand Marketing. Prior to the Brand Manager position the candidate was employed in the Marketing Research department of the company. Candidate also had a strong background in consulting. Candidate had an undergraduate degree.

Candidate was very strong analytically and creatively. Although the primary focus was to relocate to a large city there was also a desire to work on an interesting/image focused brand. Candidate also wanted to try to get promoted up to next level during the move. The candidate’s experience in marketing was in the frozen food/novelty industry. We decided to focus first on companies whose products were of interest to the candidate leaving the debate on level until after we had some feedback from interviews. Given the fact that the candidate had one year of functional brand experience and no MBA a lateral move would have been considered a win.

Candidate secured interviews with a beverage company thirty miles outside a city and an HBA company in a city and both interviews went very well. Client feedback on candidate was very positive although both clients felt that Brand Manager was the level the candidate should come in at. Candidate was able to secure an offer from the HBA company and despite a significant effort during the negotiations was forced to accept position as a Brand Manager. Candidate got off to a great start and a few weeks after a major presentation was promoted to director less than six months after starting with company. Candidate is still being promoted steadily through this company.